Get Involved
Your gifts of time, finances or food can help stop local people going hungry.

We could not do it without you.

Sort donated food ready for distribution
Help meet clients and give out food at our food bank premises
Help out at a food bank supermarket collection day



Donate Food
You can drop off donations direct to the food bank during our opening hours.
Or donate at one of our donation stations in Lidl kilsyth,  kilsyth Co-Op  & The Lighthouse
Alternativley you can organise a food bank collection point at your work, school or church.

Become A Sponsor Or Partner

  To find out more please contact us. 
​Thank you!

Donate Financially
Regular gifts  helps us to plan ahead, making sure that we are always here to help those in crisis.

You can donate via direct banking - contact us for details.

Alternatively you can hand financial donations into our office.